About Me

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Dallas/Fort Worth, TX, United States
I am still trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up. In the meantime, I am going to chew a big wad of bubble gum just for fun, take more pictures, write a picture book, and hang out with my puppy dog.

Monday, January 31, 2011


This morning's topic is about maintenance. Today I have to take my Mac in for some maintenance. I know everybody has heard that Macs don't get viruses and never break down. Well, mine DOESN'T have a virus. I think the update for my imaging software, Aperture,  didn't load correctly, and I am having trouble generating thumbnails.  It still works very well, though. I still believe Macs are far more efficient and better than most PCs. Hopefully, once this issue is fixed, I can resume editing photos. I don't want to start my photography hobby with my new lens with Aperture not performing at 100%.

I maintained my pool this morning. Even though the weather has been cool and even mild at times, the pool water is very frigid! I think I got frostbite on my fingers. It's making it very difficult to type. I had to do it though. The last time it froze around here, the pool lost plenty of water from evaporation, and I needed to fill it up with water again. (The pump keeps running when it gets to a certain low temperature to keep the water from freezing in the pump system.) When I went to fill up the pool, the water in the hose was frozen. No water means low water in the pool which means the pump starts sucking in air which equals to things breaking down. Not good. Seems like we're getting another batch of arctic weather coming in for tomorrow. I will be prepared this time.

(L to R) Sunny Shades, Frogger Shades, and Celsius Shades
waiting for the cold weather. (Taken with my new lens.)

I miss living in an apartment, but only when it comes to maintaining a residence. I need to hire a full-time maintenance guy/gal that will maintain my residence for $25 a month. Any takers? Sexiness required.

BLAHG you later!

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