About Me

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Dallas/Fort Worth, TX, United States
I am still trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up. In the meantime, I am going to chew a big wad of bubble gum just for fun, take more pictures, write a picture book, and hang out with my puppy dog.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Expensive Hobbies

It's good to have hobbies. They help release stress you may accumulate throughout the week, days, etc. Hobbies keep you sane in some sort of way that only you understand. And, it can sometimes lead to a new career that you thought you would never have, or at least make some money from it. I personally don't have that experience.

It seems I need to keep my job to keep my hobbies. I don't know why I like expensive hobbies--you know the hobbies whose supplies aren't cheap (art, painting, photography, guitars, recording equipment, certain sports, etc.). All those hobbies call out my name. I've noticed that my hobbies mostly gravitate towards electronic gadgets. Even the art supplies (the least expensive on the list mentioned) can quickly rack up a bill that will require me to work overtime to pay for it all. So do I work extra so that I can afford to buy the supplies for my hobbies, but not have the time to do my hobbies because I'll be working all the time? Or do I dip into my 401K retirement fund and use it to buy thousands of lottery tickets in hopes of hitting it big? That's what I'll do. Buy lottery tickets!

One ticket and BOOM! I quit my job, sell the house, I buy an RV, get supplies I need for doing every one of my hobbies, take the dog and her biscuits, and travel the world! (And by "world" I mean the good old USA where most of the roads are paved, people still speak some sort of English, and I can still make a phone call from within my mobile service plan.) I'll be driving the countryside, going from bar to bar on open-mic nights, drawing pictures of myself taking pictures of my dog on stage while I'm playing my Spanish music to an audience that can't understand a word of it. Sort of like a picture within a picture within a picture kinda thing. I'll call it the Inception Tour. And I'll blog about it to the world. And by "world" I mean my one reader. Yee-Haw!

Maybe I could just save up the money and buy the stuff little by little, but what's the fun in that? 

BLAHG you later!

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