About Me

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Dallas/Fort Worth, TX, United States
I am still trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up. In the meantime, I am going to chew a big wad of bubble gum just for fun, take more pictures, write a picture book, and hang out with my puppy dog.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Monday morning at 06:00 was my first CrossFit training session. What was I thinking? First of all, it was 28°F at that time. I had already been up for the entire night and part of the previous day. I figured I would work out, get exhausted, and go straight to bed before 08:00 came around. I was wrong. I didn't go to bed until 12:00 and woke up around 23:00hrs. I think I will be doing the CrossFit workouts when I wake up instead. Otherwise, I will be useless working nights if I don't get enough sleep during the day.

I will be doing CrossFit three times a week on my days off from work, along with my regular cardio-workouts on the days I do work. (Six total, one rest day). I am hoping to see marked improvements in my fitness and health with the addition of CrossFit. What is CrossFit you ask? Check it out: www.crossfit.com What I know is that this workout is like P90X on steroids. I can't wait to get out of the newbie, rookie, beginner stage. Maybe I'll even have a muscle or two to show you in the months to come. But, don't hold your breath. We'll see.

I hope the photo slideshow works. The layout on my computer screen is different from others. I'm guessing the monitor size has something to do with it. I've conveniently placed the slideshow at the top and bottom of the blog for your viewing pleasure.

Here is a list of other hobbies I would like to exercise on a daily basis, or more frequently than just sporadically, and report to you my progress:

Music - hoping to write more songs and record them at home on my computer
Guitar - need to practice both guitar and bass to make better recordings
Writing - at least gather ideas for a short illustrated book; write lyrics for the songs
Photography - work on taking better photos, and master a photo editing software
Drawing - start with pencils, charcoal; get sketches for the book I want to write
Crafts - find junk and make it work again

(Blogging: a newer version of the old book diary, except it's online and it's public for everyone to see.)

Dear Blog,
These next couple of months, I will try to organize my time to allow for everything I just mentioned. It's amazing what we can do if we take some time to organize our time. Most of the time it's not about adding more hobbies to what you already have scheduled. It's about trading the less productive hobbies for more productive ones. It's a lifestyle change. You'll be surprised at how much time we waste being unproductive. Sure, we are allowed a lazy day or two. As long as laziness doesn't become our hobby.

BLAHG you later!

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