About Me

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Dallas/Fort Worth, TX, United States
I am still trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up. In the meantime, I am going to chew a big wad of bubble gum just for fun, take more pictures, write a picture book, and hang out with my puppy dog.

Monday, February 14, 2011


I figured out the settings on my camera and Aperture to work in RAW. And I think it looks pretty good. This is another step bringing me closer to my goal of world domination! Not really, just domination over a small Caribbean island will be enough for me. I am excited about photography! The possibilities are endless, but I must be patient. I must learn fundamentals and fine tune them to become one with the force-tography. I am changing my name to Luke. Speaking of Luke, look at this picture of my puppy dog's prey:

This is Bear. Lilly hunts it from time to time. She pulled a Mike Tyson on Bear's ear. Poor Bear, he looks traumatized. Don't feel too bad for him, though, because he instigates the hunt. I see him taunting Lilly. She cracks, and then the hunt is on. Those two can't be together, and they can't be apart. Speaking of a part...

...this reminds me of a partridge in a pear tree. Honestly,  I have no idea what a partridge is other than that famous singing family from the 70s. This just looks like an artichoke bird on a candle stick. It was a subject that was easily available to photograph.

I have a few more pictures of Bear and Artichoke Bird in my gallery. Feel free to browse. Until, I find a playboy model to pose for me, I will be taking pictures of some furniture that is waiting to be given a second chance.

BLAHG you later!

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