About Me

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Dallas/Fort Worth, TX, United States
I am still trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up. In the meantime, I am going to chew a big wad of bubble gum just for fun, take more pictures, write a picture book, and hang out with my puppy dog.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


OUCH! I have gotten another visit from the Soreness Monster. It started on Monday. I started playing baseball again (hopefully) and this past Sunday was the first scrimmage. I think it's been almost eight years since I last picked up a bat and glove. I don't think I did too badly, though. Of course, this is just one game. My body seemed to remember what to do most of the time. However, I do remember the bases being a lot closer back then. So come Monday morning, I am sore from the scrimmage. It's mainly the throwing arm, shoulders and back, but nothing too extreme. That same night, I go to my Cross Fit workout class. What body part we are working out? Arms, back, shoulders in the form of pull-ups plus running. After all was said and done, my hands got the worst of it all.

I didn't know I had ruptured blisters on my hands until I was running and felt my hands a little cool. I looked down and saw that there were pieces of skin just barely hanging on letting all the cool air in. I was a little disappointed because it hurt like a mutha, and I was not going to be able to push myself harder to finish the pull-ups. (I did manage to get a total of 72 pull-ups with good form. I was proud of myself.)

The soreness from the workout and baseball was nothing compared to the inability to fold my hands. The skin keeps breaking, but they are drying out slowly. Washing my hands is TORTURE! I can't wait for them to be healed so that I can resume normal activities. I have some liquid Band-Aid to help while I'm at work. At least I will develop some calluses. NO batting cages for me this week. Even batting gloves don't protect well. I'll have to find a new way to protect the hands.

In OTHER NEWS, I took a picture of this duck.

It is a very scary duck. It looks like a duck that has had a hard life without Proactiv. I think he just escaped from the Duck Penitentiary. You can tell by the scars, tattoos, and his loner status. Plus, he is sitting on shit. I think I saw a shank under his left wing.

This picture is more calming.

I made this into a black and white photo to work on my black and white photography skills. Who knew you had to adjust colors to black and whites to make them nice black and whites. I know, it's confusing.

BLAHG you later!

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