About Me

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Dallas/Fort Worth, TX, United States
I am still trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up. In the meantime, I am going to chew a big wad of bubble gum just for fun, take more pictures, write a picture book, and hang out with my puppy dog.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day!

That's my pirate mother.
I know it's late, but that's how I roll. (Guess whose fault that was.) Watches, clocks, timers don't have anything on me. It's funny. I am very strict about getting to work on time, but everything else is...well, not even on a time frame. Except, if I am doing a physical activity that requires warming up like working out or playing baseball, then I'll show up with plenty of time.

Late birthday wishes, late Christmas gifts, arriving halfway through a wedding ceremony (or as I like to say, making an entrance) is just something that happens constantly and naturally with me. I'm learning to accept this trait and not deny it. Now, I'm not late ALL the time, just a good chunk of it.

I think deep down inside I just want to feel the thrill of the rush of just barely making it on time, like the scene in an action movie where there's 5 seconds left until a bomb explodes and I haven't decided which wire to cut. No matter how much time I give myself to get ready for an event, I tend to piddle around doing nothing productive until I find myself in a rush to get ready and out the door.

Then, when I'm running late, I always remember my dad's advice--better late than never--as I am cursing all the bad drivers that decided to go for a drive at that exact same moment.

This is why I love baseball. I just sit down, relax, and watch every pitch when the Rangers are playing. I don't need to rush through baseball. It relaxes me. I do like to show up early to a game to watch batting practice and maybe get a baseball from the players, though. I soak up the energy and the atmosphere of the game. Laid back, with my mind on my money and my money on my mind, sipping on gin and juice. (Maybe my mind is on a hot dog and sipping on Dr. Pepper instead.)

Dutch Boy on the mound.
Bang a drum if life gets too stressful.
So if you're ever expecting something on time from me, don't. I can't help it. It's the balance I need from working in an environment that forces me to be on time and on top of everything every hour like a good ol' anal retentive person with Type A personality. That's why I love places that are open 24hours. There's no pressure to get there on time.

Oh and by the way, Happy Cinco de Mayo!

BLAHG you later!

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